You’re always welcome at Tunbridge Wells Mind Clinic
Dr Kasparek
Serving Patients Since 2008
If you are an adult feeling overwhelmed, help may be available in the comfort of your home (online) or out-of-doors (walk-and-talk).
Trained at the Maudsley in London and at Oxford, Dr Kasparek moved to Royal Tunbridge Wells in 2017 where he works in Liaison Psychiatry at Pembury Hospital and as a Specialist Advisor for the CQC. He always had a passion for teaching http://extremepsychiatry.com/ and continues to do so locally in Kent.
Dr Kasparek’s expertise includes treatment of depression, anxiety, bipolar (manic depressive) disorder, attention deficit disorder, autistic spectrum disorder, PTSD (post-traumatic-stress disorder), psychosis, schizophrenia, medically-unexplained symptoms, perinatal psychiatry, and gambling and other addictions.
Dr Kasparek is comfortable life-couching and treating young adults.

Media Center
April 12, 2020
Life is changing in ways we wouldn't have imagined just a few months ago. Many have stopped their previous hobbies and are now anxiously trying to find out when the Covid Crisis will all be over. The peak will come and pass. No doubt another peak will follow. The real question should be how you will adapt.
The Tunbridge Wells Mind Clinic has adapted to this Crisis by providing more teleconferencing options and facilitating more appointments for new customers. We now accomodate Zoom, Facetime, Skype, Lifesize and mobile calls.
April, 12, 2020
1. When possible avoid all news about Covid-19. Trust me if anyting important comes up you will hear about it.
2. There will no doubt be an increase in Seasonal Affective Disorder and Obesity. UK Government is allowing people an hour exercise for a reason. Use it.
3. Find new ways to network. People are calling friends via Zoom. Though be aware bored people may jump in on your conference calls. https://news.sky.com/story/coronavirus-teachers-stopped-
4. Structure your day. It gives you more stability.
5. Consider Mindfulness, Yoga Stretches, crosswords, reading or a new hobby to have time for yourself and to keep your mind active.
December 10, 2020
A mRNA vaccine is now being shared in the U.K.. Hopefully this will help the nation move forward from their recurrent state of isolation. Still there are uncertainties of how long the vaccine, and those who survived (myself included), will remain immune.
The emotional stress secondary to Covid, and in general, won’t end soon. Please see the two videos from Stanford University.
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